I worked to create a new, more seamless onboarding journey for the app and working closely with a user researcher and a ux writer, I took the account opening journey design through 3 rounds of users testing to refine and test the user journey, design language and tone of voice.
First, I spent time to understand the customer through research and ran workshops to collaboratively defined the problem and began brainstorming ideas.
I worked on initial concepts which I prototyped and tested early with customers. I used customer feedback to ideate and test further iterations. From here I began to converge; aligning with business and technical requirements, staying customer focused testing and iterating the end to end journey with customers.
I worked to create a new, more seamless onboarding journey for the app and working closely with a user researcher and a ux writer, I took the account opening journey design through 3 rounds of users testing to refine and test the user journey, design language and tone of voice. The design uses chunking of the questions to lessen frustration, cognitive breaks in the flow to help users pause and celebratory delight moments to help users move to the next set of questions with ease.
I worked with wider stakeholders to reduce the question set as much as possible to make the journey quicker and easier for users. This included removing any product upsell from the account opening to really streamline onboarding for users. Once the users goal of opening an account has been achieved, they can apply for additional products such as savings, credit cards and overdraft inside their app.